Thursday, June 16, 2005

Salt Water

Today was weird. I tried something that I've never really had the pleasure of trying before. I sat down and I cried for what seemed like 15 minutes at least. It was weird. I felt kind of stupid but brave at the same time. I felt what almost seemed like rebellion. It was rebellion against everything that people tell you you should be. I was exposed and vulnerable and humbled. It was very unprideful... I think I may have liked it. This was all far from me at the time, but in retrospect I'm fairly confident that this is how I felt. I didn't cry because I wanted to though, I cried because I let my emotion show instead of keeping it stuffed in a box where I ususally keep it. It stays there closely monitored so that my emotions are never shown when they should be. It was an experiment I guess... but definitely not planned. It was passion of a moment that moved me to become as a sobbing little boy in the arms of a friend. That IS friendship I think. Sharing honest emotion, not hiding from eachother. I encourage you to try it. I think you'll be surprised at how you find it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cry every time I pray. An unfelt life is not worth living.

4:56 PM  

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