Thursday, June 23, 2005

David David David

Ok, so Jesus said that whatever we did for the least of these, his children, that we did for him. Well I'm pretty excited, because today I got to do something for Jesus.... Imagine the scene: I'm biking quite hard to go and hang out with my friends before a Math Provincial, you know to chill out a little and get my mind a little more relaxed. I was already a bit late as I had to wait for some underwear to dry in the dryer (I'm pretty sure now that God wanted my underwear to take extra long to dry cause I'm serious it must have been in there for a good hour and a half!!!). Anyway, I'm biking hard, I can't wait for a little bit of relaxation when I drive past North Surrey Sr. Secondary. That's when Jesus presented one of his kids for me to help. I sort of glanced over into the school's parking lot and I saw a man clearly struggling to get back into his motorized cart from where he was lying on the ground. Despite the clarity of the matter I tried to tell myself that he was simply having a break on the nice pavement... right. I kept biking until I got to the lights just passed the school where I had to stop due to a red light. I took another glance over my shoulder just in time to watch the man feebley attempt to hoist himself back into his seat.
Well my conscience could take no more. I turned my bike around and flew over to offer my assistance. The man gladly accepted, offering me every blessing that he could come up with until I hauled him up off the ground and helped him sit back on his seat. At this he began making the most simple and hilarious puns that I've ever witnessed coming out of a 65 year old man's mouth! The man sat there and told me stories about his Allstar athletic past and all of his almost-get-rich-quick schemes as well as his children's life stories and all the stories of all the hardships that he had endured. He told me that his name was David David David and that he was paid 35 dollars a week by the school's student council to pick up garbage around their campus. "Isn't that nice of them?" he asked me genuinely, "Thirty-five dollars a week for something that I'd gladly do for free!". He asked me if I could see the noise in the trees, to which I replied that I couldn't. He said, "You can't see the bark?" and then gave a bashful chuckle as though he had just made a very modest joke. Very clever, very clever indeed.
I don't think that I'll ever forget David David David.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cute. very cute. good on you stew for helping that guy.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Mr. H said...

Brilliant, though I wish i heard about this before I read it on your blog

7:31 PM  

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