Sunday, July 17, 2005


There's this girl, her name is Adrienne. A couple of days ago my friends and I were sitting around killing rats... you know the usual, when this Adrienne girl drives by. It sort of hit me like a freight train that I used to be really good friends with this girl and then I'd sort of just stopped hanging out with her and left her wondering if we were ever really friends. I was a jerk (probably still am) but I've apologized for that instance and with a tearful embrace far from home I reconciled myself to her whom I had seriously grieved. But time passed and although I'd been forgiven I've never put an ounce more time into bringing back that relationship than I had before.
So that brings us back to a when she pulled up beside us waving fanatically like she has this tendancy to do. So I ran up to her and after getting up on top of the roof rack of her car and having her freak out (as she has a tendancy to do), my buddies and Adrienne decide to stop by McDicks and Wendy's for some ice cream and to visit our friend as they worked the fast food scene. It was sweet. We laughed and had a good time eating way too much ice cream. Pretty much we just hung out for a solid three hours and loved every minute of it. I missed that girl... I didn't realize it but I surely did. She rocks.
We're going for Ice Caps at timmy's this week to catch up on the silence, and I'm looking forward to it. I'll be trying my best not to slip back into that trend of jerkiness.
A, I love ya.

To borrow a brilliant idea from a friend - listening to Coldplay: X&Y, Speed of Sound, A Message