Monday, May 05, 2008

I'm Pleased to Announce...

It is most definitely time that I updated the people I love on just a tiny bit of the goings on of the last couple of months. Her name is Charisa and I met her in January. After going to the same church our entire lives we met by the grace and providence of God this year. After three months of rather deliberate getting to know eachother we found our passions and interests quite compatible and found we were falling in love. Aside from my school work and volunteering in youthgroup I spent every moment I had getting to know this woman. In the very early stages of our relationship we realistically had to decide if it was worth getting to know eachother in the relatively short amount of time before she left to go overseas for an entire year. We both decided the other was too good to pass up so we went for it and gave it everything we had! We still are and God has been leading us along all the while. I've spent much time in prayer and in fasting that God's will will be done and that ours would follow after his. We have both been very affirmed that this is indeed someone we can serve God next to with all our hearts for all our days... and did I mention that we are in love?
While Charisa was still here we tried to squeeze in as much adventure and romance together as we possibly could. On the list of things we did were (guys get a pen out): a picnic at Lighthouse park one beautiful afternoon listening to the waves, a day-trip to Whistler, sea kayaking down the Nicomekl River to Crescent beach for a stirfry on the beach watching the sun set, hiking in UBC Research Forest in Maple Ridge and a mountaintop picnic, spending lots of time together with our respective families, a day trip to Seattle with her brother and sister-in-law, a romantic walk down Jericho beach dancing on the pier in a light rain with a chocolate mocha and eachother to keep us warm, multiple walks at Crescent Beach (her favourite place in the world), tandem biking around Stanley park with her family, a relaxing sunday afternoon stroll at Iona Beach... the list goes on but I know James is yawning : ) and so, as the story goes, we fell quite into love and embraced eachother as the faceless, nameless man and woman we've been waiting for forever with great anticipation.
On May 1st of 2008 I took Charisa on an epic date. We both dressed up real nice and started at Queen Elizabeth Park where her dad took some beautiful pictures of us (some of which I will post at the end of the blog). We then had tea at the Secret Garden Teahouse followed by a lovely time at Jericho beach where I read her an original work of mine on Prov 31. We then had a five course dinner cooked at a family friend's house in a wonderfully intimate setting and great service. Following that we went to Crescent beach where a quiet candle-lit, chai latte, chocolate dipped strawberry laden setting awaited us. We sat and talked and I told Charisa what she meant to me and why I desired to marry her. Then i asked her to be my wife. The best part was... she said yes : ) I gave her a beautiful ring and we are planning to get married next summer when she gets home from her travels.

May God bless you all richly through his son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Much love,

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Blogger Tamara said...

We are still amazed & thrilled by how God has provided such an awesome young man to love & marry our daughter! It has been such a great reminder to me of his perfect timing and care for us.

Missing seeing your smiling face around here . . .

7:40 PM  
Blogger Louise Chapman said...

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Thanks for sharing the background, the big day and the beautiful photos. I'm so happy for you guys!

10:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks stewart! it honestly brings me almost to tears to know that Charisa has found someone who she whole-heartdly loves and loves her in return! it's such a beautiful thing! you are a very lucky man!

12:21 PM  
Blogger Mr. H said...

For the record, I wasn't yawning, and secondly, I think you took notes on my out-and-abouts with Ree last summer. They were only just modified slightly. Con-grad-ulations. Get it? Wait, I suppose that's out of context.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Amanda Reimer said...

I am pretty stoked that you've taken this step. i just wish i could have been there for at least a little part of it. (just for the record, almost the entire jungle village knows that you're engaged and they said they were happy for you!!) if i was at home i would give you muchos bisous to commemorate this occasion.
lovsies, manjee

12:55 PM  
Blogger Rebecca said...

Congratulations Stewart! God is good!

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Srewart We are thrilled that God has directed you to the Women of your dreams. May this year go quickly for you. But enoy each moment. Hope California is treating you well. The Wiebes.

12:16 PM  
Blogger The Jaded Bee said...

Apparently I wasn't checking this page often enough. I'm so incredibly happy for you. Blessings for you both!

1:29 AM  
Blogger Mr. H said...

For the record Stewy, I fully approve of Charisa's mother's taste in music. Norah Jones, Micheal Buble, Diana Krall? Are you kidding me? Make sure you visit her lots, Stew dog, maybe you could pick up a liking to some of the best music there is.

7:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read this now haha. But it was beautiful! I'm so excited for you! miss ya!


12:08 AM  

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