Sunday, February 01, 2009


So I'm back swinging a hammer again three days a week when I'm not taking classes.  What may be surprising to a number of people is that I love it.  I love working with sinners who need to see, feel, and hear God's love for them.  I've been working for Thomas Bradley Construction for near three years now and the relationships that this job has brought to me are precious.  Isn't that always how it is though with a job?  It's the relationships that makes it.  
I want to tell you a little bit about Alex.  Alex is my age, and he has been working in carpentry full time since getting out of highschool.  Alex is good at what he does.  He is efficient yet knows when it is necissary to be particular.  Alex has shown more patience with me than I deserve from him.  He reminds me way too often that I need to put glue down before the sheet of plywood, or that I am about to put the sheet down upside-down.  I love Alex.  When Alex was younger he called himself a Christian.  Now he considers himself an Atheist.   It's his prerogative to live like Hell.  It's easier when you don't believe it exists.  My heart goes out to Alex.  He needs to truly encounter the Living God.  I pray that every day I work with him he encounters a little bit of the Living God in me.  What a high calling I have!  That God would choose me for such an incredible opportunity.  

Lord, give me strength and boldness by your Spirit to open my mouth and speak of your love, your grace, your forgivenss and the joy of knowing YOU.  Fill my heart with love even when I don't want to love.  Thank you for using me for your glorious work. Amen.


Blogger Nancy Anderson said...

AMEN! Thanks so much for the reminder that it is an incredible privilege and high calling to be His light in this world! Reading this really drove that home for me! Thanks Stew!

10:19 AM  
Blogger Nancy Anderson said...

I really appreciate you stopping by my blog to stay hi and leaving such an encouraging comment. It means a lot coming from you. It's a blessing to be able to keep in touch with former FVCH'ers!

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, Stewart! That is exactly how I feel in my work. It is a high calling to be the hands and feet of Jesus on a daily basis. May Alex see Jesus in you. May Jesus in you plant seeds in Alex. Go with God, Stew.
Love, Auntie Laurie

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the baby!! that was fast! :)

2:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby update please!! :) i want to here all about it and how your beautiful wife is doing!! :)

4:26 PM  

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