Thursday, August 10, 2006

Of Accidents and Polish Women

So on Tuesday I got in a car accident. It's not bad, don't freak out. I wasn't hurt and neither was she. Some young, good looking, Polish woman (kinda like Mishka) decided that after an hour sitting in traffic on the Pattulo Bridge, that she would chance a left hand turn across four lanes of traffic on Grandview Hwy. Two lanes were stopped, mine wasn't. Unable to see her or her me I plowed right into her. The damage isn't even worth posting a picture of but I get a new hood and a new bumper and new headlights for free. Yay!
And the best part is, I have the phone number of a very cute Polish girl and a fully valid excuse to give her a call :)
I'm mainly joking but I think I might buy her flowers or something. She was quite nice to accept responsibility without too much of a fight.

In other news... I'm going camping this weekend until Tuesday! Translation: WAKEBOARDING!!! This makes stewart very happy. I'll post pictures if'n I land anything sweet... or even if I don't.

School is coming up soon! That is crazy. Cudos to Chapmans on the healthy birth of their unbelievably cute little boy, Kai Deken Chapman. (*notice I didn't say "baby" because infants that large from the womb of a woman that not-so-large safely by-pass the "baby" stage, progressing immediately to the catagory of "little boy").

I love you all. Keep acknowledging Jesus Christ as the giver of every good and perfect gift. He truely is.