Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This Weather is Incredible!

I wrote my first mid-term today. I studied way too much for that... Navigation is a great thing to study up on though. We had a field day last Friday where we created a route to follow up Mt. McGuire using only topographical features, bearings and altitudes. It was a riot. Bushwhacking while following a bearing is the ultimate adventure. So long trails... You are a bygone era. I bought a $50 compass to prove the point, so now I just need an altimeter and I'm set (Santa, you should be taking notes).
I decided that I can't stand the thought of watching TV... I'm on the line with movies. It's not that I can't stand watching TV, I actually quite like it, very enjoyable. I just can't justify it in any way in my mind.
Thanksgiving was terrific. My family took in some out of province CBC students as well as Joel Bron (Who's parents were in Victoria for thanksgiving in order for Mr. Bron to run a MARATHON?!!) and Joel VanHove (for reasons I still can't wrap my head around). My mom made four pies and 11kg of turkey! It was amazing.
Some of my courses are really challenging my... Theology? It is a time of much thought and I am enjoying the time to think. I definitely have input from both sides of the spectrum to sift through and compare. I need discernment and wisdom. Holy Spirit fill me with wisdom and discernment.

I love you all.