Saturday, October 20, 2007

Banff Mountain Film Festival Quality

Well I'll let you decide for yourselves as to the quality but at least it was fun to make. This is if nothing less a little insight into what school has been like for the last little while. Check it out:

Mountaineering With Stew and Shelly

PS. I apologize for its length...

Friday, October 05, 2007

Of Ice, Rock and Man

Here are some pictures from our Mountaineering Course in the Whistler Backcountry. I hope you are blown away.
There's got to be at least one of these pictures on every trip.
This is our glacier camp on the Diavolo Glacier between Cheakamus Mtn. and Fitsimmons Mtn. The picture was taken from the site of our water source which was glacial run-off trickling down a rocky outcrop just on the other side of the burgschrundt.
This was one group's descent to the Diavolo Camp.
This is my group balancing on a six inch ice ridge with a steep snow slope on this side of us and a vertical drop into the bergschrundt on the other.
This is Tim's group taking the cul route between Fitsimmons Mtn. and Benvolio Mtn. Notice the huge ice fall to their right... one of the many dangers of the mountains.
This is Joel Barret ("big sexy") looking good for the camera (as usual). He couldn't have picked a better backdrop.
This was my group's lunch spot... WOW. (that's me in the green jacket)
This is our camp at Russet Lake. The morning after we got about 10 cm of new snow.
This is the night before as it was snowing.
This was our ascent of Whirlwind Mtn. off of Overlord Glacier.
I forced Joel to take this picture of my favourite alpine flower, the Fireweed.
This is Brent ice climbing out of a crevasse.
Check out the sweet crevasse field behind me.
Me scoping out Mt. Overlord the day that we bagged it.
This is what I would consider a gnarly crevasse. A massive crevasse field on the Overlord Glacier with the beautiful Spearhead Range behind.
Tricky navigation.
