Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wedding Photo Booth

If anyone wants to access and download pictures from our wedding reception photo booth, please send me an email or leave me a comment and I will forward you the site and the password :)

Love you all.

Mr. Reimer

Married to THE Woman I Love

On December 19, 2008, God blessed me forever with this amazing woman, the love of my life. I wrote about how Charisa and I met etc. in my previous post (over half a year ago!) and now we are finally married. My wife (then fiancee) and mother-in-law and our families had worked tirelessly to make that day beautiful and meaningful and they really did succeed in every way. One of the most precious highlights of the wedding was our nephew Noah who walked down the aisle as our ring bearer. There was a lot of skepticism as to whether or not he would actually do it on the wedding day as he just reached 18 months! That little man could not have walked more perfectly than he did... I think he was even walking according to the tempo of the song :) It was absolutely adorable. And then came my Bride. I don't know if there will ever be a moment that will parallel that one again in my life. What an overwhelming experience of stepping into the unknown. No one ever told me that getting married was an enormous step of faith. It has been that for me and I know for Charisa as well. What an adventure we are on already.
I am writing this from our honeymoon location in Tuwanek on the Sunshine Coast where it has been wonderfully wintery at our little cabin. No one ever told me that the honeymoon is an adventure too. Relationship is such a beautiful thing. Over and over these two weeks we have both been struck with the thought, "Wow! God really loves us!"
Here are two of the beautiful wedding pictures that we had taken at Deer Lake Park. Charisa was wishing for snow for our wedding day... God provided an overabundance.