Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Ahhh Squamish

Wow. I'm in school!!! I Spent my first night in a tiny little strange house that will soon be like home to me and I had a very good sleep (Ok... I woke up once cause I had the window open and I only had a sheet on me... besides the point). I woke up and had a grand breakfast with my good buddy Dan and we set out for our first day of classes. These people are sweet. There's such a variety in background and it's so interesting to get to know them all. Our first day was pretty mellow, we had orientation, some snacks, free Nalgenes, group lunch, and then a pizza dinner at the brewhouse pub (with lots of drinks for everyone except me :)). Uncle Andrew also took Dan and I out sailing on monday which was awesome! I can't wait to go again and he said that he usually goes once a week!!! The first time I almost tipped the boat horizontal because I didn't catch the helm in time but it was pretty intense. I haven't taken any pictures yet because I'm planning to wait until I get to know these people a little better before I start snapping pictures of all of them. It turns out there's a little bit of an ultimate fetish throughout the group as well but that hasn't been fully explored yet. Well break is over... back to topographical maps :) (tough stuff)


Blogger dan brouwer said...

Miss you man! Guess what happened at work today...peter smacked Jason with a frozen nalgene bottle in the face...jason got 7 stitches. It was accidental of course..peter was flinging it around slowly and his strap broke.Besides that, keep it up man..meets some good people and maybe teach the ultimate fetish "the gitis"! Say hi to dan, and grab his butt too.

6:19 PM  

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