Thursday, December 01, 2005

Almost There...

Just one last paper to write! I'm so very excited. All I have to do after that is ace Wilderness First Aid and Christmas is mine! However that means saying goodbye to 28 friends which will be pretty sad. That makes me think of Jodi Austin. Saying goodbye to her was the saddest thing in the world. I wish that I could see her again. What an amazing person.
My goodness, I feel as though I haven't a clue how my friends are despite all this blog business. I want to sit down with all of you guys with some chai tea and have some time just to catch up. I think we should do that... It really was James' idea so I won't take the credit but if wine and cigars don't work out I suggest chai tea and a bunch of couches or cushions and pillows like the ancients and the Japanese. We can have some genuine conversation and perhaps hold hands and pray. It would be Koinania... fellowship. Maybe we could even share the Lord's Supper and remember that we're all sinners and how grateful we are for the blood of Christ. That's what I feel like right now. I feel like I have all of this love pent up waiting for you guys to come home so that I can unload on you.
...maybe I'll make cinnamon buns.


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