Monday, October 24, 2005

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Every pace further from the light,
Shadows lengthen,
Cold creeps through his fragile frame.
Gluttonous darkness consumes the grove,
He travels deeper into the silence.
Piercing their vaporous veil,
Milky rays slither through the trees.
The sudden illumination
Frames nearby hills in mysterious fog.
Disfigured shadows fall about him,
Chilling wind lashes at his skin,
But he walks on.
Pulsing blood floods his alert form,
His mind seared with the image of the cross,
My burden he will bear, later.
Stones bite into his knees,
Barely does he notice,
Sweat begins to drip.
My story heavy in his heart,
Strain of prayer pleading with Daddy.
Capillaries burst, blood flows,
Not for the last time
Father let your will be done


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