Thursday, December 08, 2005


Toasters is one of many priceless gems that can be found in the little town of Squamish BC. On three seperate occasions I have found this pleasant, hole-in-the-wall, breakfast restaurant to be most satisfactory in several regards. First of all, when visiting toasters you are generally surrounded by friends whom you love. Maybe it is after a party the night before when laughter arises from some past hilarity. Or maybe it's the morning after a big exam day when everyone is relieved and loose, ready to share a great time with eachother. Whoever the company, the second element to the success is the food. Toasters furnishes your plate with four slices of homemade toast, two eggs however you want them, four slices of bacon, and the rest of your plate loaded with fresh hashbrowns made from nugget potatoes. After your finished and maybe you're looking for a challenge, the owner of the restaurant offers unlimited toast to all customers. It truly is delicious. So you say how much does it cost? Well tax included, a whopping breakfast like that is under $7.50, a well earned price for the experience.
Just one word of warning: beware of the grumpy waitress :) It's actually quite comical.
So next time you're in Squamish and you pass the T-Ho's, jump on over behind the Holiday Inn and discover Toasters. I doubt you'll be disappointed.


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