Saturday, February 17, 2007

For the Love of all that is good and pure on this earth!

Spring break is near... I can feel it in the air. I am taking a course over spring break... it is a caving and speleology course in NEW MEXICO. It's a requirement for my program but it is also a week in NEW MEXICO. So good. We are going to be entering some monster caves down there... seeing caverns lined with winged rodents and guano. Actually the caving in new mexico is supposedly world class. Decorated with magnificent... decorations. Here is a picture of possibly the most spectacular caving formation I have ever seen:

It's called "The Clansman" and it's deep within Slaughter Canyon Caves. It is also the freakiest thing I think I could imagine seeing underground... too bad we didn't get permits to visit Slaughter Canyon :(

We get to do some serious rappels into 300 foot pits... and then ascend out of them. You can't relieve yourself in a cave... you have to bring a 'pee bottle' and a 'burrito'? So gross but whatever right. All for the good of the fragile ecosystem that we have need of exploring. Midterms next week folks. Lovin it.


Thursday, February 01, 2007


I write this to you in the heat of a battle. It's a battle that often makes me question why i'm fighting. So about two weeks ago a couple of female friends of mine approached my room mate and myself with a proposal to begin a "prank-war" between us. Here I will digress: who does that? What's the point of formally proposing a prank war? Don't you want to use the element of surprise to strike first? This still mystifies me to this day. Sheldon and I confidently accepted their proposal counting on our God-given testosterone driven competitiveness to give us the upper hand in this war.
The very night of this proposal Sheldon and I were getting ready for bed around 11:30 when we heard a snowball hit the window in the living room of our apartment... They couldn't think this was a prank could they? But it persisted. Four snowballs later it was 12:00 and I was fast asleep in order to be well rested for our OL cardio workout at 6:30 the next morning. Sheldon and I decided it might be fun to return the favor in a slightly more dramatic fashion. So we woke up at 5:45 and unleashed a volley of twenty snowballs at their 6x4 window... then we did it two more times for a total of 60 snow balls in volleys of 20 intermittantly over the next 2 hours. They told us at breakfast that they woke up the first time thinking that they were being bombed... I don't know what kind of movies they were watching to draw that kind of conclusion but apparently the whole left wing of women's dorms was woken up.

So it went, on and on and escalating. Some failures, many successes. The highlights would have arriving back from a four day Avalanche Skills Course, smelly and tired and walking into my and Sheldon's doormroom to the sight of absolutely nothing. They took everything that we owned. I didn't even have a towel or deoderant or soap or anything. No sheets to sleep on, no pillow, no blanket. Kudos to them for that one. They however, made the fatal mistake of coming back to the scene of the crime that very night to "laugh at us". So we kidnapped Julianne and after much struggle and talk of torture we negotiated to get some towels and a blanket and some deoderant. In return we Saran-wrapped Julianne to an obscure tree on campus and left her there for them to find.
Several days later we breached the impenitrable walls of the girls dormitory in a 3:00 AM raid to get our clothes back... we left them some uneasy poetic evidence of our presence there in the wee hours of the morning. Then again one evening while they were out, we Saran-wrapped all of Brittany's possessions into a three foot diameter ball which we kindly left in her closet. Fun times all around... but I think a prank war with a male enemy would be more hair-raising and... 'creative'.

I await the opportunity for our finale.

(*dynamics of this "battle" have changed since it's beginning, seeing as both sides of combatants are now involved in relationships... with eachother. lol)