Saturday, February 17, 2007

For the Love of all that is good and pure on this earth!

Spring break is near... I can feel it in the air. I am taking a course over spring break... it is a caving and speleology course in NEW MEXICO. It's a requirement for my program but it is also a week in NEW MEXICO. So good. We are going to be entering some monster caves down there... seeing caverns lined with winged rodents and guano. Actually the caving in new mexico is supposedly world class. Decorated with magnificent... decorations. Here is a picture of possibly the most spectacular caving formation I have ever seen:

It's called "The Clansman" and it's deep within Slaughter Canyon Caves. It is also the freakiest thing I think I could imagine seeing underground... too bad we didn't get permits to visit Slaughter Canyon :(

We get to do some serious rappels into 300 foot pits... and then ascend out of them. You can't relieve yourself in a cave... you have to bring a 'pee bottle' and a 'burrito'? So gross but whatever right. All for the good of the fragile ecosystem that we have need of exploring. Midterms next week folks. Lovin it.



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