Friday, May 25, 2007

Why is the Holy Spirit Scary?

So last night I heard about 16 gunshots not too too far off from my back yard. I think that is the first time in my life that I have heard a gun fired before. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a late night pheasant hunter either... I hope nobody died. Along the same vein, a guy in our youth group's brother got shot yesterday. He'll live but the upshot of it was that the kid gave his life to Jesus! Praise the Lord. America is stupid about guns I'll leave it at that. (Dave if you're reading this feel free to correct me cause I realize I'm speaking from a life time of naivity and three weeks of experience in one of the rougher cities of the country)
So this sunday's sermon is going to be about being filled/baptized with the Holy Spirit. Why does this thought make my stomach weird? Why does the Holy Spirit sometimes make me uncomfortable? I want to invite the Holy Spirit into my life like never before. I want to speak in the tongues of angels. I want to wave the white flag in surrender of my life to the Holy Spirit. I am so excited for this.
Mountain View has been going through 10 days of prayer coming up to Pentecost sunday. Each day the prayer room is themed differently and today was all about healing. It was a time to pray for healing in our lives and the lives of our friends and people who have walked away from the Lord. We got to pray for the healing of the nations in the world who struggle with all sorts of diseases. There was one station that commented how in North America with our advances in medicine and technology, we are giving ourselves less and less areas in our lives to trust God for the miraculous. The opportunity was given to directly ask God to work miracles in our lives and to pray for the requests for miracles from other people. It was awesome.
One of the things that I'm really excited to be able to do here is lead a small bible study with six guys from the youth group. I get to buy them all starbucks and then read the word of God with them, help them discern what God is saying to them through his word, help them to apply God's word directly into their lives and then pray and praise with them and for them. Two of my guys enjoy such hobbies as blowing stuff up and shooting things, one of them wants to go into ministry, one of them desires to learn how to pray and all of them are willing to give God two hours of their Saturday night to get into his word. I love it.
Tonight we have a prayer concert led by the Recovery program here at MVCC. I think it'll be fantastic. They all have been so far. Love your churches ladies and gentlemen, pray for them and give to them generously of your time, money and energy. Make it your church and pray the Holy Spirit comes like a rushing wind.
I love you my brothers and sisters.



Blogger Dave said...

America is stupid about guns. Sign me up for extremely strong gun control laws. Though I can't recall ever hearing a gun fired outside a shooting range before either, but I've never lived in Fresno.

Keep up the exciting stuff, bud.

1:39 PM  

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