Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Long Long Time Ago... (AKA. I have no clue)

So today began my Natural History course... and apparently the world "began" 4.6 billion years ago and somehow (unbeknownst to my instructor) they know exactly when oxygen "arrived" on the earth and just when certain mountain ranges were established and just when the dinasaurs appeared etc. But the course isn't about evolution it is all about the natural world around us... I guess we just needed to understand the "scientific" knowledge surrounding the timeframe which it all arose from. I sort of sat at the back of the class and was a little bit sad because this really great instructor had fully bought the lie that evolution is fact and that people KNOW the earth is really old... because they don't, otherwise there would be no debates and everyone would accept the facts, but the fact is there are none... but we do have this handy little book called the bible.

(just for you dave :))


Blogger Andrew Bucholtz said...

IMO, evolution doesn't necessarily cancel out the Bible... only if you take a literal view of "days" as 24 hour time periods (which seems a bit off to me, seeing as there was no sun or moon until Day 4). Additionally, the order of creature creation is not very far off from what evolutionists suggest (plants, sea creatures, land creatures, humans). I agree with you that evolution is not entirely proven, as there are still many holes and areas lacking evidence, but imo, creation and evolution aren't necessarily at odds...

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..." (Andrew). He took the words out of my mouth, more or less. I don't think you'd like the whole "Flaying Spaghetti Monster" thing that started. Check it out wikipedia, or google, or w/e. Hope you're enjoying school up there.

1:29 AM  

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