Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Well, I'm a certified Wilderness First Responder and therefore I have officially completed the Wilderness Leadership Program at Capilano College here in Squamish. After marking our First Aid written exams we headed off to the Howe Sound Brewery Pub and Restaurant where we had a room rented for us so that we could have a small farewell. Four of the girls from our program made an interpretive dance which the performed for us all. It cleverly incorperated all the different skills that we'd all learned throughout the program and did it in such a way that the entire room was in stitches on the floor laughing. My good buddy Pat Humer then played a Pictoral DVD that he'd spent many many hours creating when he should have been studying first aid. It was very touching and happy and emotional; a very good way to say goodbye. We presented our loving instructors with some gift certificates on behalf of us all and thanked them for their efforts and enthousiasm. The proceedings then moved to Boston Pizza where some people spent a lot of money on food while the more intelligent ones (like Dan and I) ate before we got there and then spent zero dollars on the water that we drank :) It was there that we enjoyed eachother's company for one last time before people would begin to forget everything else which happened that night at the Grizzly Pub.
I had a great time despite other's intoxication. There is something very friendly and philosophical about people with a couple of brewskies in them. All in all it was a night to for me to remember forever. And now I go to say goodby to all of those lovely folk... definitely not for good though.

I hope you all have equally lovely farewells and equal or better success in your finals.

Sincerely, Stewart Reimer


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