Sunday, March 12, 2006

Rated "F" for Frank Sexual Monologue

James, one of my fellow co-workers, offered me last week to come to his bbq this saturday where he assured me that he could get one of his lady friends to "jump my bone".
This comment arose from what I found to be a very interesting discussion surrounding the discovery that Stewart Reimer was still a virgin *gasp*. To rewind even further, the discovery of Stewart Reimer's still intact virginity was led to by a slow piecing together that he was in fact a Christian.
The rest of the day James spent exploring all of the things that I haven't done, that obviously everyone else in the world does. It was interesting to note his comment of disbelief was that, "Dude, the times are changing!", and how true that is. Though from James' perspective I need to "get with the times", I know that God has told me how I should live and in this day and age it is the very epitome of counter-culture. At work I stick out like a sore thumb by what I don't do and say... and often that can be a little bit intimidating.
But oh the times are changing. Remaining a sexually pure male Christian has become a truly daunting task. Struggling to control a healthy God-given drive for sex, we can't help but notice the plethora of means by which lust can infiltrate both body and mind. Jesus is clear that thinking lustfully about a woman is equated to committing adultery with her in your heart. Obviously something that no Christian should want any part of, married or not. The thing is, we men are visually stimulated sexual beings living in a culture where the highly erotic female body is being abused by public media with seemingly no restraint. From puberty, the male population of this society has become supercharged with testosterone and enough sensual images to make a boy's head spin. In a lot of cases, what comes of that little recipe is lust-filled masturbation, something that I can assure you Jesus would equate to fornication or adultery. Do we equate it with that? Because we live in a society that largely has no idea what fornication is.
Further still, the curiosity of a sex-saturated mind can very easily and very quickly lead down the road of pornography. From a removed perspective we see this distant evil as a brutal maligning of the beauty of sex, a dispicable thing to partake in. Telling that to a young Christian boy who, from his first encounter with a naked woman only a couple mouse clicks away, has slowly become addicted, will do very little. It's like telling a crack addict that crack is bad for them. We may even realize that the future of our sexual lives is very much at stake, but the possibility of quiting such an addiction on our own is almost futile.
Gentlemen, don't live life thinking you're alone, use your resources (accountability, eachother, books, the Holy Spirit, thirsting after God not lust etc.). Ladies, don't be ignorant of the plight that your brothers face on a day to day basis.
Watching our culture going into an out of control sexual spin, I'm finding many reminders that I am a flag-bearer of "right living". We are the body of Christ and I think it is imparitive that we pay close attention to our members who are perticularly vulnerable in certain areas.


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