Sunday, February 12, 2006

Catering to Beimers... and everyone else I left in the dark

I was hired by the City of Surrey as a Guide in the Outdoor Services "arm" of their Parks and Recreation "branch". So that includes doing everything from hiking, to snowshoeing, to rock climbing, to kayaking, to canoeing, to mountain biking, to planning programs and working on administrative stuff. It is mostly evenings and weekends so I'm currently still shopping around for full time day work... and tonight I had a little chat with my summer foreman and he finally has some room at one of his sites. So on tuesday I'll start work with Tom and hopefully that will keep me occupied until I start instructing canoeing five days a week for the City of Burnaby Parks and Rec (a job which I haven't fully sealed but getting closer). I will be doing the Surrey job all-the-while on the occasional evening and Saturday. After canoeing is done in June, I hope to begin work for camp Madawaska which would be a sweet set-up. I would be working Monday through Thursday all summer making a very good wage and teaching kids canoeing, going on nature walks, teaching them to chop firewood, cook outside, leading them in campfire games and songs, and just being a group leader. On Thursday, the overtime that I would work would pay as though I'd work friday, but I don't... I would get a three day weekend every weekend. So then if I wanted I could jump into a couple days of labour work... or keep helping out Surrey on the weekends and evenings. So that's the short version... and largely speculative at this point, but hopeful. Whether it works out or not, the only place you'll find me is seeking to do God's will in my life.
I hope that sufices, Beimers.


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