Friday, February 03, 2006

Oh the Possibilities

Over the past month I've really been prodding at a couple of different opportunities to get plugged into some employment in the field of Outdoor Recreation. Currently none of them are 100% and half of the positions I applied for didn't come with a description of what kind of position they really were, so I'm a little bit in the dark. However, on Wednesday I had an interview with a couple of "Outdoor Services Programmers" from the city of Surrey. The first peculiarity was the fact that they wanted me to come from 1:00-2:00. Now I'm not a particularly well traveled interviewee, but I think an hour is a long time to sit in a room and answer questions and therefore I was a little bit more concerned about this interview than I would have been originally. My mind's in overdrive and I'm thinking how they might be getting me to do a skill assessment or something scary like that.
I get there, I sit down and I answered their questions for an hour! Sometimes fairly uncomfortably on my part but they were really good about it and I think they really liked me. I even got to tell them both about what you do when you see a bear or a cougar. Then as I'm leaving they go and tell me that they'd hopefully get back to me in a couple of weeks! So right away I'm thinking, "Crap! There goes that opportunity". Today (Friday) I get a phone call. It's the Scott from the City of Surrey wondering if I can get a criminal record check so that "we" can proceed to the next stage of the "process". It was all very secretive so when I met him I asked him exactly what that next stage would be. He told me with a smirk that he wasn't allowed to tell me! I found that kinda funny/frustrating. Anyhow, I got my criminal record check done (didn't even have to pay for it!) and now I guess I'm waiting for "the next stage" to commence. Goodness gracious. Can't a man just get a straight answer?
Hope all your mid-terms are going well.


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