Monday, February 27, 2006

Death by Extension Cord

I've been getting a little bit frustrated lately and I will tell you why. At my jobsite we are currently framing a large, multi-residence structure. As it happens, a number of corded tools are necissary for this venture. Skill saws, sawzalls, nail guns, hammer drills, and grinders in bountiful quantities. Some need power, some need air, but all have either a hose or a cord attached to them and then running off to some distant object of provision.
Spending all of this time surrounded by these inanimate snakes has brought me to the startling discovery of what has now become Reimer's First Law of Extension Cords: Anything that can be snagged will be snagged. This I have personally proven on multiple occasions to be a constant Law at work in a number of different environments. Objects including but not limited to nails, chunks of concrete, other cords, random objects that you never even knew existed until you caught an extension cord on them, are all readily snagged at any and every available point in time.
However, after submitting my first theory to the board of Extension Cord Sciences to be tested and scrutinized, I began formulating a second theory directly hinged on the first. This will hopefully become Reimer's Second Law of Extension Cords: Anything that has become snagged will not become unsnagged unless the direct reversal of the original direction of travel has been achieved. This theory of course, only comes into play once the first law has already been implemented. The application of this theory is what really allows my frustration to mature in full. You see, the moment Reimer's First Law of Extension Cords rears its ugly head, I know that the second Law is not far behind. I will have to spend valuable time searching for the origin of the snag, which once found often requires more time to strategize how to go about fixing what can quickly become an extension cord fiasco.
Sometimes, as one who is frequently subjected to these laws of the Physical world, I will encounter multiple instances of Reimer's First Law even within the span of a minute. If you are one to become easily angered, I would encourage you to start working with extension cords and allow the Holy Spirit to give you strength in your weakness :) Good times all around.


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