Saturday, September 23, 2006

Scattered Cloud

Here are a rather random series of updates as I do not perticularly feel like organizing my thoughts:
-I made the CBC Bearcats Soccer team. I play left defence which is something I've never done before. The guys on the team are awesome and our coach plays on the field with us! I thought that was weird, but because we don't play in the CIS league it's fully legite. Yesterday after a 2-2 draw vs. the Walla Walla Wolves (a team from washington) we headed over to my coach's house for some sweet burgers, hot tubbing and pool. It was awesome.
-I have made a good friend in my room mate Sheldon Boodt (some of you may know him *cough* Adrienne *cough*). He's from Rocky Mountain House Alberta and a bonefide farmboy. One of my highlights with him so far have been laughing in our beds for about five minutes straight at non-jokes. It was definitely good times. Today we're going rock climbing in mission... should be good.
-My Nuefeld grandparents came to the CBC campus today and I luckily ran into them. They gave me hugs and invited me and my cousin Chantelle to their house for dinner one evening.
-I got set up to do my service practicum volunteering with the outdoor school program that runs out of WJ Mouat Highschool! I'm so pumped for that, it's like free ministry experience that I get credit for.
-I'm really enjoying most of my classes so far. I think my favourite is my NT Survey class. John Vooys is my style of teacher: all lecture :)
-I definitely am already looking forward to Christmas when I get to see you all again... and because I'm building a wicked sweet Christmas (gear) List :) just kidding.
Remember to pray. I love you all dearly.

Reimer out.


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