Saturday, June 10, 2006

Feeling Behind

So I'll do my best to catch you up...
I'm still working as a part time canoeing instructor and loving it. That will be wrapping up at the middle-end of June and then I'll be back to full time construction. I'm on a very new site barely into Vancouver on Victoria and 37th (if you're in the area and care to pop by we take lunch at 1:00). At the same time as construction I will be working part time during evenings and weekends and sometimes during a week day guiding hikes, teaching canoeing, guiding canoe and kayak tours, and running my evening kids rock climbing program for the city of surrey Outdoor Rec Department. Fun times all around. My car hasn't broken down yet (thank you Lord), I am relatively healthy (thank you Lord), and I am learning to better love Jesus every day despite the fact that I certainly don’t love Jesus more every day (maybe like every month or something...). I can very clearly see that I have been very blessed this year and I have nobody to thank for that except my heavenly Father. It seems like I never run out of work, and every conceivable need that I have, is taken care of without fail.
Isn't it so easy to believe in times like these? Whenever something is easy in this walk it sort of scares me because after all "wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it". But then Jesus told us to follow him and take his yoke because it was easy and the burden was light…
But it is, in a way, exciting for me to think ahead and know that this time of seeing God's hand so clearly in my life will be an experience that I know I will draw on down the road when it just seems like nothing is going right and God is no where to be found. I think to myself that I ought not to let this time of calm pass by without being used to fully as a training ground for what is to come. To start layering on the Armour of God. To learn to trust God with my finances so that when it is much harder to do so, I have already set a pattern in my life to follow in obedience. To learn that no matter what comes my way God has made promises that apply to me right now.
I have confidence that if I embrace this time in my life as a time to learn to live by the Spirit, that when trials come, I will consider them pure joy knowing that the testing of my faith will produce in me perseverance which must finish its work so that I will be mature and complete not lacking anything. I think that’s one thing the Spirit does isn’t it? Adding the perspective of eternity to life…
Oh the fun of the theoretical Christian walk, so smooth yet complex and well articulated… I guess we’ll never run out of things to strive after. It’s a journey and I pray I’m stronger tomorrow.


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