Sunday, September 10, 2006


I just jumped into the fast lane of life and it doesn't look like it's slowing down any time soon. I barely even had time to say goodbye to my family and friends before I was finished work, out the door, spending lots of money and hiking on the beautiful Olympic Penninsula of Washington State. It was gorgeous but I don't have pictures because I suck. (long story, very frustrating).
So for those new to Stewart's 2006-2007 adventure, I am attending Columbia Bible College enrolled in the Outdoor Leadership Diploma program. This last weekend (as it is demanded that we complete two, three-day trips on our own time during each semester) I summitted the beautiful and terrible Mt. MacFarlane. For those of you in-the-know, this elusive peak has... well, eluded me for the longest of times. I assure you it was sooo so worth it. I treked up there with five of my new found friends Friday night, hung out Saturday at the lake during the rain and then Elena and I were the only people daring enough to set out at 5:30 in the morning to summit the mountain before heading home. Again, pictures will follow. Time is of the essence.
Currently meeting Joel BEEron for some chai tea at my lovely residence in the Montecito Apartment complex (rm. 104). Love you all.



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