Saturday, April 15, 2006

Albertan Adventures

So right now I'm in Calgary visiting my awesome grandparents and my lovely aunties: Tammie and Bonnie. This often means several different things but one of which is a traditional Alberta Beef steak dinner. So tonight I will feast on the best meat in all of North America and make merry avec ma petite famille. Who knows, I might even get to sample some of Grandpa's Own wine cellar? (he is quite the accomplished wine maker)
I also just returned from a little sojourn up to the land of dry dead vegetation, concrete and... people? I still can't get over why anyone would want to live in Edmonton... It was good times though, getting to see the sights where all the stories actually come from, meet the people in the pictures and spend some quality time with old friends. But honestly who names a main boulevard, Whitemud? Anyways, I largely had a wonderful time with all of my well-masked, stress-case friends and that is all that matters.
Can't wait for Peter's tomorrow after church! If you are ever in Calgary... Peter's Drive-In is a must. You won't be disappointed.


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