Friday, August 26, 2005

Improving your Morale

Up till this point in my life I have (subconciously or not) subscribed to the idea that morals make a certain person "better" than those around them. Now I would never tell people this out loud or even think it was right in my head, but what we practise is in the end what we have in our hearts isn't it?
This one time I recieved a very nice note saying how much this person respected me because of the high moral standard that I uphold. This made me very happy about myself and how well I was doing in my goal of becoming a righteous man of God. (shudder at my arrogance)
Now there is nothing wrong with holding to a high standard of morals, in fact it is awesome if done for the right reasons. That is not to feel like you are a better person than someone else, but because you love God and you love people! Having an intensely personal relationship with your Creator spawns a desire to obey Him and to follow Christ's example. It's all about the love you share with your God and Saviour. Morals should not be stressed as a basis for Christian faith (abortion, gay marriage, fornication etc.) but rather that because of a love of Jesus Christ we are driven to read his love letter and to follow his example... morally, and not. Be careful that Satan doesn't lead your morality into complacency.

PS. some of you may be thinking by now..."man he miss spelled his title..." IT'S A PUN!!! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


ya... thats all.

10:29 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Stewart Reimer, I love you!

5:44 PM  

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