Wednesday, January 04, 2006


So I unofficially took a sabbatical from blogging over Christmas vacation in favour of spending my time on friends and family. After eating a delightful total of four special Christmas meals (one Chinese, two turkey and one faspa {it's a German Menno thing... in honor of John Kim I will define it as: a barbarian feast of cold meats, cheese, crackers and whatever else is handy}) I'm plumped up enough to allow this keyboard to flow freely once again.
One thing that was kinda wierd about this Christmas was the lack in the area of an older sister. As some of you may know, Trilby is currently away on seven months of mission work on a team of four (Steve, Gatim, Dylan and her) in Massama, Portugal. This in itself if fairly exciting, but it did mean that she wasn't home for Christmas and that was kinda sad. She called us on Christmas morning and we got to chat with her for about a half an hour before she had to go.
I think that the best gift I recieved this Christmas (aside from the obvious swaddling wrapped one) was the fact that I got to see all my friends again. Never has that been such a treat as it was this year. Friendships are as delicate and precious as gemstones. Neglect and gossip are like polishing your gemstones with a hammer. Sometimes you dust off a gem and you remember how beautiful it really is. It's not the look or the quantity that matters but the quality and value. Okay enough analogy. "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
Among the many things I got to do over Christmas were:
-go ice skating at the "magical" cloverdale ice palace
-spend time with the relatives
-gorge myself
-straight up enjoy the companionship of friends
-film a ridiculous video/sell my body to magnum productions :)
-play basketball?
-watch Bronny take two fouls in two minutes in a basketball game
-call some handy plays in the FVC seniors vs old timers vball game
-spend lots of money unselfishly
-watch Scrubs and laugh hysterically with my friends
-remember that I'm a sinner and how much Jesus means to me
-love every minute of it

I guess that'll do for now. love you all.


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