Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hearing the Voice, Knowing the Voice

Dear friends and strangers, My highschool, Fraser Valley Christian High School(http://www.fvchs.bc.ca/ - click the side bar that says "Campaign"), has grasped the opportunity to help those who are in need. The school's principal, Dennis deGroot, has been to Sierra Leone a few times in the past couple years where he has found a needy community where our school (along with Surrey Christian School) will build an elementary school for just $25,000 CAN. The vice-principal of Fraser Valley, Matthew Beimers(http://www.pacificgrace.blogspot.com/ - blog titled "Help Build A School For Nyima" ) has more information and and idea of what this project is all about. Any donation to this cause would be much appreciated...100% of the funds goes towards building the school and helping a community of fellow believers who don't have as good as we do. I'd encourage you to check out the high school's website, along with Beimer's blog. God bless.

I apologize for my plagerism Dan : )


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