Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Dilema

Here is the dilema facing me right now:
I currently have a very steady job in construction. It pays well, is fairly local and allows for a fair amount of personal freedom in terms of time off. For instance I could go on one of the Wellness Trips with FVCH, I could go to Calgary for Easter with my family to visit the Grandparents, I could canoe the Bowron Lake Chain with Chapman (sidenote* and Adam) etc. I quite like this carpentry business, it is fantastic work. It is very much a project: you are constantly learning, always feeling like you got something done, and have that extraordinary feeling of exhaustion at the end of the day.
On the other hand, I successfully pulled the wool over the eyes of Parks and Rec in Burnaby so that they want to hire me as a canoe instructor (no, I didn't lie... but I did straight up tell them that I'd never instructed canoeing before). I believe that this will be a fantastic job and would probably lead to an even better job in the summer. I am confident that I would enjoy it just as much as being a carpenter's helper if not more. The thing is, it wouldn't be a gaurantee of full time hours. It would pay more hourly than what I'm doing now but because I might not get 40 hours a week my pay cheque would be smaller. Money is important in some respects... However, I then toy with the idea of attempting to fill in my "missing hours" by flying out to the construction site when I'm off of work... but I don't know how my foreman will react to that proposition. Working as a canoeing instructor would also give me some return on my education investment... something that I dearly would love to have. I would just make it seem that much more worthwhile. I think it would also require living with a little more faith... trusting that God will provide for my financial needs despite not being able to see how that is going to happen. It would also be a fair amount of sacrifice on my part.
So I guess I've sort of made up my mind to do the Canoe Instructor thing. All I can say is that my life is very much in God's hands and I think he can and will use my decision for His glory cause He likes to do things like that. In the mean time if anyone out there would like to spend the time to pray for me I would love it.

I love you all. Enjoy your Saturday afternoon... I hope it's sunny where you are cause it sure isn't here.


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