Thursday, November 02, 2006

Life and Times of SDVR

I just went kayaking for four days and it was awesome. I learned how to roll a kayak and the combination of the zero degree air and the near zero degree water (in which my head was submerged for at least a minute) made me pretty sick. But I rolled it on my second try and I did it twice to prove that I could do it. It was very cold. My feet didn't warm up for five hours even with wool socks on (don't ask me why my feet were that cold because they didn't even get wet!).
This trip also marked what was definitely my most elaborate menu plan ever on the 'trail'. For breakfast, I made the crew bacon and egg mcmuffins. For lunch I made a salmon patee served on melba toast with Pringles. For dinner I made fresh linguini noodles with a seafood (crab, scallops, shrimp, in no small quantity) alfredo sauce. That was followed shortly by a pumpkin pie with whipped cream that I made and baked from almost scratch on the beach at Kunechen Point. It was a marvelous day.
Highlights of the trip include being blasted by a thirty minute squall that approached without warning from down the fjord, doused us with sleet and blew through leaving the snow level a mere 200 meters from the ocean. Another highlight was definitely seeing (and feeling) a sea cucumber, seeing a two and a half foot sea star, paddling the tandem kayak with my roomie sheldon and playing pirates. Another highlight would have to be eating far too much sugar on the ferry ride home and laughing rediculously with the rest of my group.
Halloween was great fun. I woke up early to dress up as the "evil anabaptist". This consisted of coating my face/neck/ears in mud, giving myself grass hair under my camo hat and dressing in full camouflage with a big knife (obviously for killing people like an evil anabaptist might). I thought I was pretty clever being at an mennonite school and all. Joel Bron dressed up as a pumpkin, Dale dressed up as Darth Maul, Brittany and Janel were ferry princesses, Jill was a sweet old granny, Joanne was a marshmellow, Kelsey was a hippie, and Sheldon was "super OL man" in a full spandex body suit. All in all, pretty sweet. So then my buddies Eric and Phil from the soccer team had a Halloween bash at their house on campus and we had some fun secretly turning the heat for the house up to 90 degrees and laughing at all the people sweating.
I had to go to bed early though (as per usual on tuesday nights) to wake up for Outdoor Leadership cardio in the morning. We had our second Tae Bo session with this fifty year old woman who absolutely destroys us and then tells us that her seniors classes do better than we do! It is an amazing work out though if you ever get the chance :) Then she goes and leads four more classes for the day! It is sickening. I have never sweat like that in my life before.
For dinner today we ate Pork medalions with rice and veggies with cheese and a roll... it was good, like most food here. I think I might succeed in making my meal card last for the semester.
I've been able to spend some quality times with my cousin lately here at school. She is such a sweety I love her. I never really had the opportunity to get to know here before but I'm enjoying it quite a lot right now.
All my midterms are finished and I believe that I did fairly well on all of them. I know that I aced two of them but as for the rest we'll see. School is going well though. I have really enjoyed strapping the old thinker on again. I don't think that I've ever thought this much about what I believe in my entire life. It is great to be able to do that, and constantly be bouncing your thoughts off other people who are also thinking about these things. There are some amazing people here that I have the privelidge of talking to.
Well, I hope that about fills you in on my life recently. Oh, Carly Dyck is sitting beside me right now and I just need to say that she's awesome. Definitely didn't give her the time of day in high school and I have since apologized for that.

I hope you all are well.
Love, S-doggy.


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