Saturday, November 11, 2006


Her pale perfect features faintly peer from behind a vaporous veil of cloud.
She winks, watching me from a distance.
Her elegant ebony gown floats freely about her delicately distinct form.
From the tantalizing tiara atop her soft satin hair,
to the serene silver rings round invisible toes,
diamonds dot her body sparkling supernaturally,
Like God shining through holes in this black canvas universe.
She makes a motion for me to come.
Blindly I bumble into the modest man in front of me pleading his pardon,
Suddenly, silently she slips away into the deep dark of midnight's mood.
I'm left lingering, head raised high hoping heartily for another chance,
to break the bonds of silent sounds,
and say the words to unite mere man with the goddess of the gorgeous.
But the fair fellow ahead of me got there first.

for clarity's sake:
In this poem I'm comparing the flirtatious woman with the moon as it teases in and out of the clouds. Because the moon is a tease to everyone who sees her... so is she. It is a comedy... I guess that means it made me laugh :)


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