Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Opressive Spirit of Lethargy

I ran a half marathon yesterday. I woke up at 6:00 in the morning and ran 24Km for Outdoor Leadership training. I finished first in my class but I thought I could have gone harder... I hate that feeling. I was so happy to finish it though, it was truly a challenge. You know the next day is going to suck when you are painfully sore before even finishing your run. I woke up this morning feeling like a truck drove over me, stopped and backed over me again. Now I've got to get my but in gear and start doing school again. Papers are coming due, trips need to be planned, tests and exams need to be written and in the midst of it all relationships need to be upheld. In the words of my good friend James: Yorbel!
I performed in the CBC talent show last night. Reminiscient of grade 8 with James, Adam and Luke, myself and three others performed "The Four Yorkshiremen" by Monty Python. It went well and we had the place in stitches with almost every line. There were some classic acts in this show where someone who genuinely believed that they were truly talented (probably because of the lies of their mother) got up the courage to stand in front of a packed out chapel and honestly pour out their talent before us. In such situations what can you do but cheer wildly and further feed their misguided notion that they truly possess a masterful talent? And so as might have been the best or worst thing that could have been done, the worst act won CBC's talent show and were congratulated with Kudos for Life from the Student Council.
Sweet deal.
To share my excitement and for your artificial introduction to my girlfriend here is a random Brittany fact:
She is an incredibly talented, grade 10 (via the Royal Conservatory of Music) cellist (definition: one who plays the cello). She recently agreed to some "free-style" cello with a local christian hip-hop artist during his performances. The astute Stewartologist will draw the completely random connection between this story and a hidden passion for the Chrisitan hip-hop scene.


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