Sunday, January 07, 2007

Eager Expectation

Oh sweet glory. Well I'm back on campus and life is good... minus Carly Dyck who left us for YWAM, but I forgive her. A bunch of us went for dinner with her tonight to send her off. It was fun and sad... all at once. My room only has three guys in it this semester which is kinda nice... although Jason did provide some essential elements to our dorm... like a table and a toaster. Oh well, we'll make due. I'm pretty excited for this semester. I have a few tougher courses including Old Testament Survey which is apparently the hardest course the college offers and my dad's cousin teaches it... I think I'm in for at least a challenge. Outdoor leadership looks to be exciting too. We start the semester with our Avalanche Skills Training Level 1 course in which we are introduced to hazard management regarding avalanches. We end the course with a four day trip in the Cerise Creek area north of Pemberton which should be awesome. We also get to do a winter skills/ski traverse of Garibaldi Lake a little later in the semester. I'm pretty excited for that... I've never been on a frozen lake before! I know, pretty lame, but it ends this semester! We end off the year with our Guiding and Operating Skills Exam, affectionately called the GOOSE. It is an exam in which we plan and guide the Olympic Peninsula trip we did at the beginning of the year, with real clients and we get graded on our performance. I'm really excited for it... but pretty nervous too. I've already met several new students and hopefully given them a warm? welcome. Well friends, I miss you already. Take care of yourselves out in the mean world. Live as if Jesus was coming back tomorrow. Much love to you all.



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