Monday, January 15, 2007


Just finished my first class of Genesis. One comment stood out to me... I thought I ought to share it.

John McRae was speaking about the Holy of Holies in the ancient Jewish temple and how it was all about communication with God. Once a year, one man was allowed to enter into the Holy of Holies to have communication with God between the wings of the Cherabim. It was a big deal. A man had the opportunity to speak to God, to hear from God and to spend time in communion with God. Jesus came to break down the barrier to the Holy of Holies. He came to dwell among us so that we can seek his face all the time. We have this opportunity every day... but the superbowl is on, the car needs to be fixed, papers need to be written, reading needs to be done, people need to be entertained.

What would the Israelites think about our treatment of such a priviledged position? What does God think? Those were the questions in my head... I guess now the task is to incorperate the answers into my life.

Spend some time on your knees today in communion with the God of the Universe. I love you all.



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