Saturday, May 05, 2007

California... Beautiful

Well, I'm here. After sleeping for roughly five hours horribly I got in my car and was off. After a little bit of interragation at the border and a bit of prayer I was into the great USA. Due to the fact that I have no stereo in my car I had to be creative in the ways in which I kept myself awake for 18 hours of driving. There are a number of things that contributed directly to my success. For the first two hours it was singing to myself, then that got old and I switched to drinking a lot of Coke. After this I started into the large array of nuts my mother had furnished me with: peanuts, almonds and spitz. Every time I'd feel a little droopy I'd throw back a handful of spitz and I'd be good for another half hour. I had a little nap somewhere in Oregon and that gave me just enough to make it to Fresno. I rolled in around 10:45 or so and was shown my house for the summer.
It is amazing people. I have a pool in my back yard! and a hot tub and a full on basketball court that has lights for night-time use! There is the most beautiful bbq I have ever seen as well. It is sweet. The guy who owns the place is Matt and he is a very cool guy. His hobby is his fish tank which sits 2'x3'x6' in his living room. It is a salt water fish tank complete with coral and amazing fish and plants of all kinds. I live with four other guys (including Matt) and in terms of seating room in the home theatre, there's room for us and three guests... all of which would have reclining Lazy-Boy couches. Complete with 20' vaulted ceilings, this house is pretty much amazing. Anyway enough about that.
The Church is fantastic so far. The worship is all out, the people come from all walks of life and all walks of life are welcomed and accepted. We had a great church anniversary bbq and some great fellowship. I'm sure I'll have much more to say about the church a little later.
Unfortunately on the trip down my car developed a sweet little noise which was diagnosed today at Rusty's automotive repairs... all I can say about that is that Fred is a bit of a bully when it comes to taking care of me and my costs :) A bully in the best way possible.
Today it was sunny and 30 degrees... only getting hotter. People don't even use air conditioning in this kind of weather! I'm a little scared I'll be honest. But then I remember that Fred has a pool and I have a pool and I'm not as concerned.
Much love from California.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you S-doggy.

10:33 AM  
Blogger dan brouwer said...

glad you made it safely. hope you have a good time..keep up the blogging.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumb and Dumber, that's where it's from.

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the update! take care buddy--ade

6:28 AM  

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