Saturday, August 27, 2005

Bros United

warning: this blog is slightly post-dated...

So some buddies of mine have taken the time and effort and funds to come to my home and share a little time just to love the surroundings and "be". I loved it. It was a little check up time with relationships, Christ's and ours. The beauty of hundreds of fish jumping in a lake just meters from where we were sitting... it was quite an anomally of nature :) I think that in those times it's very easy to see people care about you. Sacrifice and commitment are traits that people show those they love.
So now when we're all in our seperate corners of the country and distanced by hundreds of Kilometers is when that brotherhood of friendships is tested. Love stands the test of time. Because we share the love, our genuine concern and interest in eachother will be proven through the littlest of things that are going to mean so much more. It's a little harder now to visit eachother so it makes our communications that much better. It's as though there's a thirst to hear from friends and the longer that thirst is dragged out the bigger it gets and the sweeter and more meaningful the smallest thing can be.
I hope you all are doing well and falling deeper in love with Jesus.


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