Monday, October 10, 2005

Optical Euphoria

Well, I realize that I haven't blogged for a long while and I also realize that I have not had the presence of mind/time to put pictures on my blog. However, it is Thanksgiving weekend and I'm very thankful for the time that I have. So here we go:

Just off the coast of Quadra Island was our first destination. The currents moving between this Island and the one right next to it made it seem like we were on a river not the ocean (note the movement in the water). The low lying cloud tended to give the trip this surreal/mystical feeling.

We bore full witness to one of, if not the most, biodiverse marine habitats in the world. This is an Ochre Sea Star in some Rock Weed (Rock weed can be popped to reveal an antiseptic gel in the interior or just popped for fun because it's nature's bubble wrap and it's soooo abundant :) )

This is a Sunflower Sea Star. I took the picture from above the water but it is just so absolutely clear that you can barely tell.

Here I was in the middle of a lecture... I just happened to have my camera out when the evening fog started to roll in to fill the air with an erie and majestic feel. I was at the back of the lecture hall so I don't think that Leim realized I wasn't paying attention. This was right after a porpoise put on an acrobat show in the same water seen here but of course I was far to intent on watching to get my camera out.

This is the progression of the sun as it set on Francisco Island.

I took this picture by stacking my binocular lens onto my camera lens and then holding really still :) It took about 20 tries but this one isn't half bad. The Bald Eagle was worth it. This is a CLASSIC bald eagle perching tree... great vantage point.

This is what that same Eagle looks like without a zoom of any kind. It's still a beautiful bird.

These pictures cover what I have already talked about in my Baidarka blog so if you haven't read that one, these pictures go along with it.
I love you all.


Blogger Mr. H said...

Stewart, keep giving her stink buddy. Very nice pictures, i whole heartedly look forward to seeing the shpleal at Christmas. I hope you gained 5 pounds this past weekend as I did. Cheers.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Abby Mommy said...

hey! wow what great pictures! seems like you've found my love of photography...well looks like you couldn't resist with the opportunities you have to take such beautiful shots. Check out my blog is you like. It will be filled with great shots in about 2 and a bit months..- Kim VE

6:52 PM  

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