Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Home of the Falcons

Today was my first day of volunteer work back in the old community of Fraser Valley. Some how I got in contact with Shannon Friesen in the Learning Assistance department a while ago and she mentioned to me that they have been a little short staffed this year. I decided to start a part time volunteer position helping the kids in the LA room of Fraser Valley achieve their goals. As it happened, I had the privilidge of working with Gordon Kelly this morning and I can't tell you how exciting that was. I just couldn't stop smiling. The antics, the questions, the comments about Ashley Jansen and his beard, it was Gordon Kelly Live in the LA room.
Anyway, Gordon is only one of the absolutely fabulous kids that I get to share my day with. I don't doubt that it will be challenging, it has been already, but I'm confident that I can make a difference in each of those kids' lives.
Oh and there was a chapel today and who knew that Josh Gagne could sing? It was almost angelic :) He's an excellent fill in for Klams... I guess he was taught by the best eh?


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