Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Most probably won't remember the tale in one of my september blogs where I injured my shoulder during my first Rock Climbing course. Anyhow, being of the male half of our species, I neglected a visit to the doctor's office to find out what really went on and what I was more avoiding, the dreaded instruction to not perform any physical activity using my shoulder until it was healed. So here it is January and I went to visit my doctor because I was still feeling pain in my shoulder. He sent me for x-rays thinking that it was a damaged ligament from a partial seperation. The x-rays came back showing nothing of the sort. He then recommended me to an Ultrasound clinic! After assuring him that I wasn't pregnant, nevermind sexually active, he assured me that pregnant women aren't the only ones who get ultrasounds.
Today I proved that fact. After waiting in the little room next to a really big computer for the doctor, he came in and ordered me to remove my shirt and sit in that funky meditation position so that both my shoulders were the same way. Then he picks up this little scanning orb that's attached to the computer by a white cable and douses it in this blue gel. Expecting the startling cold of the gel against my skin, I was pleasantly surprised when it was warm! He then replaced the bottle of gel in the little warming box with the other two bottles and turned some knobs on the machine. There was a depth knob, a Hz knob, a picture taking button (for when he saw something of interest come across the viewing monitor) and many others that he didn't use.
So he sat there for about 10-15 minutes scanning both my shoulders, putting my arms in different positions and applying lots lots more of the blue gel before telling me that he couldn't see anything wrong with my shoulder and that I should minimize the activity that I put it through while it heals.
I must admit I was a little disappointed, but I guess the fact that I hadn't torn anything or ended up with a pinched rotator cuff or anything of the sort is good news. After all's said and done, I think that I can say I'm the first guy I know to have had an ultrasound, "AND I WILL TAKE THAT TO THE GRAVE WITH ME!!!" : )


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