Friday, April 07, 2006

Sweet Victory

Now, I'm not much of a coffee drinker (unless it has chocolate or other flavouring in it), but fortunately for me I work with many individuals addicted to said beverage. I also don't think that it has ever been noted that construction workers have perticularly sharp memories. These two things in combination with the fact that Tim Hortons is presently showering Canada with free doughnuts and coffee make my days at work that much more exciting. You see in my travels on our jobsite I am very frequently confronted with empty or full, abandoned Tim Hortons coffee cups. Averaging about one find per day there is always a subconscious treasure hunt going on inside my head as I go about my daily projects. Well this wednesday, as I held the almost full, stone cold, not yet rolled cup in my shaking hand, images of my new SUV flashed through my head. But alas, it was not to be! But I won an extra large Hot Beverage! And what a sweet victory it was.

Then I went ahead and bough half a dozen doughnuts and got completely suckered into the whole reason that they give free stuff away in the first place: so that you buy MORE!!!... which isn't really a bad thing, cause after all I got to eat six doughnuts :) yum.


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