Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Love is a curious thing isn't it?
I think Satan hates it when we love eachother.
That's why it's so much easier not to love.
Satan's way is always easier.
God is love... that's why Satan hates it.
It's easier to just let go...
To let go and pretend that you've forgotten.
But we don't forget, do we?
Instead, we just stick to the wide, well traveled road.
But that's not ours to take.
We've got to love.
Love can overcome all things...
But only when it's implimented.
Love can bring you back from the brink.
Love that never fails reminds you that you're loved when you fail.
Love penetrates cold and hardened hearts.
Love is a fire burning out in the cold.
Love is a perfect man beaten and whipped,
The Son of God humiliated by those he created,
The High King of Kings crucified.
Love conquered death to bring life,
Now we live to Love.


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