Monday, November 13, 2006

Stealing the Life out of Poetry : (

So I came to the realization that my writing wasn't as clearly laid out as I thought it was. I will try to explain this a little better. I hope very few of your opinions of me were damaged in the process :)
Ok, so I was inspired to write this poem as I was walking home one evening watching the brilliant moon dancing among the holes in the clouds. I began my poem describing/personifying the moon as a beautiful woman in a black gown (the night sky) wearing all kinds of jewelry speckled with diamonds (stars). After achieving a satisfactory picture of the moon in her beauty, I began to relate this image to the beautiful woman in the poem who "motions for me to come". Then I realize that there was a man who was standing in front of me the whole time (implied that he's been observing the same spectacle). The woman/moon then disappears behind the clouds and, captivated by physical beauty (as I plead any man might be), the narrator (which I guess is me :) ) wishes that he might have jumped at his chance to "steal her away". He then realizes that the other man did jump at the chance and he "missed out". "Missed out" is of course a relative term because the author must have arrived at some sort of enlightened state regarding the situation to have written such a satiricle piece.
I hope that helps :) and I am still laughing.



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