Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Oh Sweet Relief

I just finished my last project/paper for the semester and let me tell you it was a doozie! I think that it ended up being about 50 some-odd pages long. It was a trip planning assignment for Outdoor Leadership and there were just so many things that we had to include. But it's over now... I feel like one all nighter per semester isn't the end of the world... although I went to my 8:00 class when about half the class skipped! That felt backwards... shouldn't I have been the one skipping? Nope, not Stewart Reimer.
Ok so previous to this weekend I was sick like a dog. I had a fever that soaked my bed with sweat at night (so gross), a sore throat that felt like someone had sandpapered half way down my esophagus, a splitting head ache, aching muscles and joints, a night time cough and during the day I was coughing up bloody phlegm! So on thursday night I bought some NyQuil and DayQuil, some vitamin C, some Halls with Echinachea and Vitamin C, and some Buckleys mixture all with money I didn't have to spend on such things. The reason I did this was because the next day (Friday) was Outdoor Leadership "Hell Night". It began at 04:00 hours when a United States Naval Petty Officer dressed in full fatigue breaks into the room where we are all half asleep and demands us on our feet with our pack and in formation. The day went from there. I will summarize by saying we snowshoed through 2 feet of snow in sub-zero temperatures for 34 hours without sleep or food. It is a great story but it's too involved and detailed for my blog... ask me about it in person.
So after this brutal day/night I thought that my Christmas holiday would be ruined and that I would get pnumonia or something and probably die. Well the opposite happened. The next morning after 16 hours of sleep, I woke up fully well except for a slight cough (but I still had my little flask of Buckley's so it was all good). I beat the illness out of my body. I was impressed. I also prayed a lot that day... I think God heard me.
So exams are next week and then we will be sweetly reunited my friends. I can hardly wait.



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