Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"What? No Dance!"

First of all I would just like to say that Carly has sweet tear-aways.

On to lesser important things...

Oh the drama. So we have this ultra-sweet Christmas banquet coming up and it is just classic. A comment from one of the guys on my soccer team should sum it up nicely: "I met my wife there". Needless to say people are simply frantic to get themselves a date to this thing. So then I think to myself, "what's the deal anyway? this is a menno college! There isn't even a dance (which some people are fairly upset about... as if they didn't get the memmo that they signed up to go to a mennonite school :) That made me laugh) so people can't get jiggy wit'it as our generation is oh so familiar with.
So because I've had some bad experiences in being people's "friend" dates. I'm going to opt not to pursue this course of action. Maybe if i'm dating someone before the banquet I'll take them... but that isn't really an option right now.

For the sake of conversation:
To dance or not to dance... a menno/reformed question.
Feel free to leave your opinion, this is mine:

In my experience "dances" (a fairly relative term but I'm referring to something we're all familiar with like the good ol' fvc highschool dance) are a needless temptation to a majority of the individuals involved. It is also my experience that dances can be a riot amidst friends who are simply making fools of themselves and laughing it up. I think however that it is something that I would willingly forgo in order to keep myself and others from an incredibly "in-your-face" temptation.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

S-Double Rubble Stubble


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