Thursday, December 14, 2006

Stewart: 3 - Exams: 1

Done am I. I killed three of the exams. Shot em' dead and left em' bleeding in the exam room. One of them took me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me across a really large cheese grater, then proceeded to pour salt and lemon juice all over my bleeding body. While I was writhing on the ground in agony it came up to me and kicked me right in the gut... yeah, I didn't even finish my Outdoor Leadership exam. Actually only one kid did... my room-mate which made it even worse. Oh well, I had fun writing it. We were presented with a very unwinnable emergency backcountry situation and we had to come up with how we would handle it while looking after our clients according to the industry standard of care. The situation was as follows:

You are solo guiding a group of six teenagers in Banff National Park (grizzly country). You are two days in when one of the teens falls three meters off a cliff and you must suspect a spinal injury (ie. improvised transport is not an option). While providing first aid one of the kids knocks your satellite phone off your pack and breaks it! You are 25Km from the parking lot where there is a payphone. It will be raining in forty minutes and the weather is deteriorating for the next few days. What do you do?

After finishing my answer, I announced to the class that I had killed just killed six kids. After the laughter subsided, the tears filled my eyes and I struggled through the rest of the exam :) Boy it was a blast.

Anyway I rocked my papers and now I'm really tired and in desperate need of Christmas break.

Love you all.



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