Wednesday, December 27, 2006

*sigh* Christmas

Gotta love it. Mario Kart, Starcraft, good food, no worries, lots of love, lavished affections, cherished friends and more good food. Today it was cheese day. Every Christmas my mom takes the opportunity to buy special cheeses and today we got to dig in. Jalepenjo Havarti, Smoked Gouda, Brie, and a mozzerella-capicollo roll complete with an assortment of crackers and smoked salmon. So good.
I got to spend some quality time today with John Kimmer as well. We had dinner for about 2 hours together! It was great food and great conversation followed by mints! We then went to my house where we sipped cappuccinos and I spanked John at Mario Kart 64 :)... alright he spanked me, but I kept it close. The thing about playing Mario Kart against John is you have to put up with all of the smack-talk. I discovered though that if you can get him going with his mouth sometimes he won't notice the little black bomb heading towards him on the horizon. Oh boy. What a wiener but boy do I love him.
Well, I must be off now to the land of unicorns, minataurs and turkish delight. goodbye.



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